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Fellowship Opportunities

There is a wide array of Fellowship Opportunities at Port Madison.  You are always invited to join us! Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions about any of these activities!

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

We gather to share concerns and challenges, to pray together, and to support one another as we serve our Lord at home and at work.  The men of Port Madison Lutheran gather at church one Saturday morning every month at 8:30am for devotionals and fellowship. All men are invited to join us!

Out to Lunch Bunch

A group of us gather on the second Tuesday each month to go out to lunch at a variety of local restaurants and share in some great conversation.  Carpooling is available.

Quilting Group

It’s easy and fun – no experience needed! No sewing needed! Our quilting fellowship meets on Tuesday mornings (January – May) at 9:00am to assemble and tie quilts to give to those who need them through-out our community. We enjoy fellowship while creating these cherished quilts.  We invite everyone to bring a sack lunch, we eat at noon.

Book Club

Join us on March 8, 2025, at 11:00am. We will be discussing Rod Dreher's Living in Wonder: Finding Mystery and Meaning in a Secular Age. 

Family Fun Night

One Saturday evening every month we meet at church for dinner, a movie, games and good conversation. All ages are welcome!